
critical situation 嚴重的局勢[形勢]。

critical temperature

Therefore , this paper try to change the traditional ideas , not only evaluate the ship operation safety under the safety situation , but also take aim at the damaged ship hull , assess the risk under the lapse and critical situation . it takes the preventive method to predict and initiatively control the risks that may induce to the averages 鑒于上述,本文試圖改變傳統的研究思路,不僅在安全域內評估船體營運安全,更重要的是瞄準受損船體,在失效域及臨界狀態分析評估船舶營運安全,并將風險分析、人為因素與安全聯系起來,對可能導致海損事故的風險采取先行預報一主動控制的事先預防式處理方法。

In some time - critical situation , continuous ssi is computation bottleneck of some solid modeling system . conventional approach for solving continuous ssi often uses intersection algorithm iteratively without taking the characteristic of the surface into account to simplify computation . the dissertation analyzes the intersect curve structure of continue surface , from the point of intersect curve ' s evolution , it describes the relationship between topology of offset surface intersect curve and topology transmit point ( ttp ) 等距曲面和運動曲面在cad cam領域中有著重要的應用,在一些時間敏感場合例如數控加工動態仿真,等距曲面和運動曲面等連續變化曲面求交運算已成為這些系統的計算瓶頸,連續變化曲面求交問題的通常解法是采用曲面求交算法反復迭代計算交線,沒有考慮連續變化曲面交線之間的相似性進行求交簡化,效率上一直不能有很大的提高。

The devices have many merits . they can sensitively and reliably cut off all the faults occurring in the power system . even under the critical situation , faulting on the long heavy load transmission lines through high ground resistances , the criterion based on fault components still has considerable sensibility 此裝置的優點是:能夠靈敏、可靠的切除電力系統發生的各種故障,尤其是基于故障分量的差動判據與傳統差動判據相比,在重載線路上發生各種故障,即使是高阻接地時,也具有很好的靈敏性。

“ should an air accident occur within our airspace , we have a critical situation where every second counts . it is vital that we launch sar operations efficiently . and we , here in hong kong , are fortunate enough to enlist pla s support with its sar facilities and assistance , “ he said 萬一香港空域發生航空器事故,在分秒必爭,人命攸關的時刻,香港有幸能夠借助駐港部隊的搜救設施和力量,協助我們有效率地展開搜救行動,這是非常重要的。

You leave the most noble being that you really are . so we should check up on this to our family members or whomever that is beloved and dear to us . most of the time in critical situations , we just turn our backs and that is no good 因為不論你好或不好,你的伴侶留下或是離開,是你自己通不過考驗,背離了你自己,背棄了內在真正高貴的你,所以我們應該檢查自己對家人或任何我們所鍾愛的人的關系,通常在關鍵的時刻我們反而背棄他們,這樣很不好。

In this critical situation , it is essential of us to establish a financial crisis management system to help the enterprise to prevent the potential financial crisis , identify the crisis in existence , predict he financial crisis in advance and effectively deal with it whenever it happens 鑒于此,企業管理者迫切需要建立一套能預先防范財務危機,診斷、預測危機并有效處理財務危機的管理系統,以幫助企業避開和化解可能出現的財務危機。

Nevertheless , on behalf of our members , we sincerely urge our fellow colleagues to re - evaluate the social mainstream assessment and expectation to our industry , to undertake social obligation , vow to overcome miscellaneous critical situations , and to procure this perpetual industry 最后,本人謹代表所有會員,更呼吁全國業者,重新探討社會主流價值對我們的評價及期待,發揮我們的專業技能,承擔社會責任,突破困境,營造健康快樂的事業版圖

Article 429 any commander on a battlefield who is in a position to rescue the neighbourly forces he knows are in a critical situation but does not do so upon request , thus causing heavy losses to the latter , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than five years 第四百二十九條在戰場上明知友鄰部隊處境危急請求救援,能救援而不救援,致使友鄰部隊遭受重大損失的,對指揮人員,處五年以下有期徒刑。

Although the afcd is attempting to recover the situation through proposed amendments to the fisheries protection ordinance , the present proposals go nowhere near far enough to addressing what is a critical situation : they are a band aid when life support is needed , markus shaw said 雖然漁護署嘗試透過建議中的漁業保護修訂條例補救問題,但目前的建議卻遠遠未能解決燃眉之急,只是頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳的措施。

The dissertation also extends it to boolean operations for non - manifold tt models . to meet the demand of some time - critical situation , the dissertation presented a distributed algorithm for boolean operations of curved solids 為了在某些限時操作下得到實時交互的速度,在運動雕塑實體布爾操作的基礎上,本文進一步提出了一個運動雕塑實體模型布爾操作的分布式并行算法。

Chassis systems division : pioneer for active driving safety system . our innovations include abs , tcs , and esp systems that provide significant safety improvements and ensure vehicle stability in critical situations 底盤系統事業部:主動行車安全系統的先鋒。我們的創新技術包括abs , tcs和esp 。這些系統能在危急時刻極大地提高行車的安全性和穩定性。

As the proverb says , “ one should pluck up courage to have a try in whatever critical situations . “ to draw an analogy , if a customer is fed up with this cup of cream tea , you may try to add in some sago 俗語說事到萬難須放膽,就好像這杯奶茶,人客嫌它單調,你可以試放點西米下去。轉個彎,情形就不一樣,不試一下怎知道新環境真的不適合自己?

As the proverb says , “ one should pluck up courage to have a try in whatever critical situations . “ to draw an analogy , if a customer is fed up with this cup of cream tea , you may try to add in some sago 俗語說事到萬難須放膽,就好像這杯奶茶,人客嫌它單調,你可以試放點西米下去。轉個彎,情形就不一樣,不試一下怎知道新環境真的不適合自己?

“ father , “ said the young man , “ i have the honor of presenting to you the count of monte cristo , the generous friend whom i had the good fortune to meet in the critical situation of which i have told you . “父親, ”那青年人說道, “我很榮幸能把基督山伯爵閣下介紹給您,他就是我以前跟您說過的,在我最危急的關頭僥幸遇見的那位義士。 ”

Many teams don t do candidate architecture performance testing until they build out the entire application , and ultimately end up with a lot of rework - and maybe a critical situation - in production 許多團隊直到他們已經構建完應用程序的時候都還沒有進行架構性能的測試,最后導致大量的重寫工作- -產品中可能有嚴重的問題。

Ideal for emergency work with suspect or infected blood . worn also when manipulating and transporting dangerous biological samples and in all critical situations 最理想用于帶有被懷疑的或具有傳染性的血液的緊急工作場所。也可以在操作和運輸具有危險性的生物樣品的地方穿著,和在所有危急、臨界的場所。

As it was a very critical situation , the turkish government preferred material aid instead of monetary contributions . the most urgently needed items were medical supplies , tents , sleeping bags and corpse bags 由于情況緊急,土耳其政府希望得到物資援助尤勝金錢,尤其急需醫藥用品帳篷睡袋和尸袋。

The critical situation is the collaborative domain object because it has a collaborative context , which relates the group of related objects and people in the context of this particular process 關鍵情形也是協作域對象,因為它具有一個協作環境,能夠將相關對象組與環境中具體過程中的人員相關聯。

In an on demand shop it becomes crucial to identify potential problems and take corrective actions early in order to prevent the applications from failing in critical situations 在隨需應變的企業中,為了防止應用程序在關鍵時候發生故障,識別潛在問題并及早采取更正措施是至關重要的。